Business sessions discuss SBC action

PHOENIX – The following motions made by individual messengers in Phoenix were referred to the appropriate SBC entity for consideration in the next year:

Sent to NAMB?asking the SBC to increase attention and funding for Middle Eastern immigrant ministries; seeking increased evangelistic outreach to international students living in the U.S.; requiring ordination to pastoral ministry by a cooperative SBC church as a requirement for endorsement as a military chaplain.

Sent to the Executive Committee?naming New York City as the site of the 2008 annual SBC meeting; naming Cleveland, Ohio as the site of the 2010 annual SBC meeting; requesting designation of an emphasis on “six-day creation and the worldwide Flood,” requesting a special one-time offering to fund IMB missionaries awaiting appointment, requesting that resolutions to be provided to messengers earlier in the annual meeting and seeking better seating for the handicapped.

Sent to all SBC entities?requesting acceptance of all financial gifts and contributions from all Baptist individuals, churches, associations, groups, organizations, and conventions.

Motions ruled out of order included: two seeking time and at this year’s meeting for a report from Crusade Radio, which he directs, on the presidential prayer team effort and consideration of resolutions offered from the floor; naming SBTC the host of the 2007 annual meeting in Phoenix.

The motions requesting changes to the schedule were refused because reports on non-convention causes require advance approval and Bylaw 20 regarding introduction of resolutions could not be suspended. The effort to designate SBTC as a host convention was refused with the explanation that state conventions and the SBC are separate and autonomous bodies, thus the SBC cannot direct a convention in such matters.

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