IMB missionary appointment service Nov. 11 in Houston

On Tuesday evening, Nov. 11, they’ll enter an auditorium spectacularly filled with flags of many nations, prepared to share a testimony of God’s call on their lives to travel to other lands to spread the gospel message. Friends and family of candidates will join Southern Baptists from across the state for an evening they’ll long remember as the International Mission Board appointment service comes to Texas.

SBTC President Bob Pearle encourages Texas Southern Baptists to participate in the service, calling it an inspiring event. “Hearing the testimonies of God’s call by the appointees is a perennial highlight and worth the effort to attend. The stories of God’s work in this world and the challenge to reach the lost with the gospel will greatly impact your life,” he told the TEXAN.

The annual meeting of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention embraces the missional focus in the theme of “StillStanding on the Word/Sending to the World.” Houston’s First Baptist Church hosts the convention at 7401 Katy Freeway.

While serving as a Journeyman to Japan with the International Mission Board, Tiffany Smith found a commissioning service she attended life-changing. “The service symbolized a turning point in my life as I surrendered my life to be a missionary wherever I go?whether it be overseas or right here in Texas.”

Now serving as a missions mobilization associate for the SBTC, Smith said, “IMB appointment services are extremely special events because the missionaries represent the cooperative effort of Southern Baptists in engaging the nations for the sake of the gospel.” She described the opportunity to celebrate “the vision and passion to reach the nations for Christ” as both humbling and awe-inspiring.

Possibly the most family-friendly event of the two day convention, children will enjoy the stories of adventures around the world, finding an opportunity to meet missionaries in person following the service. Parents can use the experience to encourage faithfulness to pray for the newly commissioned missionaries.

With the Tuesday night session set to begin at 6:20 p.m., the commissioning service will hold the attention of youngsters.

After a decade of receiving Cooperative Program gifts from hundreds of local churches, then passing along over half of the funds collected to distribute to SBC causes, international missions has been the largest recipient of the generosity of Texas Southern Baptists. Since the formation of the convention in 1998, affiliated churches have given over $41.4 million to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions through the SBTC.

“This is a service you will not want to miss,” encouraged Pearle, a recent trustee of the IMB. He urged churches to plan to bring busloads of members to witness the service.

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