Focusing on what truly matters in 2025

I lead a small group at our church. It is a great group of people in different stages of life who desire a close community to do life with. We are currently diving into Ecclesiastes together. This has been such a great challenge for us as we think about what kind of life is really worth pursuing. 

C.T. Studd once wrote, “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” This statement, paired with studying Ecclesiastes, has caused me to rethink my priorities for 2025. If you are like me, life gets super busy. Living with the pressures that come along with work, family, kids’ activities, and all other aspects of life can feel daunting. Often, while the intentions of the heart are good and postured correctly, life happens, priorities get rearranged, and we find ourselves spending time pursuing good things more than the great things we should pursue. 

Allow me to suggest three key priorities in our lives to diligently keep in focus in the coming year:

1. Walk closely with God

In the fast-paced, ever-chaotic pursuit of life, we must remember to walk daily with God. We all have challenges, busy schedules, work demands, and family obligations. These things close in on you and take every moment you have. While they are all necessary, prioritize spending time daily with Jesus. You will be a better person, friend, spouse, parent, and leader if you are consistently walking with God. 

2. Be intentional about living on mission

Ecclesiastes is a good reminder that most of what we pursue has no eternal value. What would our lives look like if we decide this is the year in which we sell out to living on mission where God has put us? I know most who read this are believers who love Jesus and His church. However, I also know we can lose sight of the mission for things that don’t really matter. I encourage you to ask the Lord to help you live on mission this year like never before. 

3. Practice generosity

Throughout the year, God will likely bring unexpected opportunities to you. These will come in many different shapes and forms. There will also be opportunities in which you can be joyfully generous. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “God loves a cheerful giver.” As you walk with God this year, ask Him to make you  aware of opportunities to invest in people generously for His glory. It will change you! 

Having the right priorities is essential. They help us stay focused on the real reasons we exist. They give us the chance to capitalize on opportunities to make an eternal difference. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so we must make today count. I challenge you to re-evaluate your priorities and, if needed, align them with the things that truly matter. I love you and am humbled to serve you!

Executive Director
Nathan Lorick
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
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