IMB celebrates the work of Black missionaries

Editor’s Note: During Black History Month, the IMB celebrates the contributions of African American missionaries in building the kingdom. For a downloadable prayer guide and other resources, visit

Asa and Vanessa Watson serve as IMB missionaries in Germany with their three young children. On the mission field, Asa tells others his story about how God lead him through playing professional football (with the New England Patriots in 2014), to working with a pit crew in NASCAR, then working in campus ministry, and now serving as a missionary.

Pray for the Watsons

Pray for the Watson family to still have opportunities to reach out to friends and neighbors, even though activity usually slows in the winter and rising COVID-19 rates may slow down activity again. 

Pray for their three kids in school as they interact with other kids, sharing the light and love of Jesus. 

Pray that God will continue to remain at the forefront of all that the Watsons do, and that they will look to Him for all things, big and small! 

Karen and Richard Lee serve as IMB missionaries in Tanzania. Since before they married and began a family and careers, they both felt called to missions. In 2001, they became missionaries with the IMB and moved to East Africa with their children, Christian and Rebecca, who are now young adults.

Their message to African American Southern Baptists is, “You can be a part of reaching the world. God called us. He can use you and your church in mighty ways.”

Pray for the Lees

Pray for the Lee family as they reach Tanzanians with the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Pray that Tanzanian believers will be equipped and empowered to serve God, gather into healthy churches and take part in the Great Commission. 

Eric and Ramona Reese serve as IMB missionaries in Brazil. They love Brazilians, and the Brazilians know it and love them back. Early in their ministry, they experienced the dangers of working in the slums of Rio de Janeiro. Eric recently released a book about that time called “Willing To Risk It All: For His Name’s Sake.”

“I share my stories because I want to tell people about my struggles with being courageous,” Eric said. “When God calls us to obey Him, it’s not contingent on whether the circumstances are favorable.”

Pray for the Reeses

Pray for Eric and Ramona’s daughters, Gloria, 24, and Alicia, 20, as they continue to study.

Ask God to give insight and wisdom to each member of the Reese family.

Ask God to bless their relationships, keeping Jesus at the center of family, friend and professional relationships.

Pray for evangelism efforts in São Paulo, Brazil and a new church plant in the area.

Pray for the Reese family as they disciple local missionaries.

Download a prayer guide highlighting these missionaries.

The post IMB celebrates the work of Black missionaries appeared first on IMB.

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