One of my favorite times of the year is right around the corner. Every February, the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention hosts the Empower Conference. It is an incredible event that brings thousands together to worship, network, and learn. There is nothing like having friends from all over Texas join together to lift high the name of Jesus and be reminded of the lostness in our state and the need for our churches to advance the gospel.
This year, we have some amazing speakers and dynamic sessions planned. These two days will be packed with opportunities to connect and be equipped. Here are just a few reasons I love this event:
The opportunity to connect
Ministry is hard and the opportunity to connect with others often serves as a catalyst for encouragement. Whether it’s worshipping alongside friends or other co-laborers in the gospel or sitting in the lobby networking with other pastors, the Empower Conference serves as a platform for connection. I believe you will be encouraged by connecting with old friends and enjoying the opportunity to make new friends.
The opportunity to learn
Because ministry is challenging, we need to find unique opportunities to learn from others and sharpen our tools. Empower does just that. Whether in the main sessions or breakouts, there are numerous ways to learn and help the ministry you serve move forward. Check out the schedule to see which opportunities would be most beneficial to your area of ministry.
The opportunity to move forward
As you may have seen or heard at our Annual Meeting last November, the SBTC’s new mission focus is, “Mobilizing churches to multiply disciple-making movements in Texas and around the world.” The Empower Conference is designed to help mobilize your church in multiplying disciple-making movements. In fact, one of the markers of a disciple-making movement is “evangelism prioritized.” This conference has at its foundation the desire to see churches across our state prioritize evangelism. I believe we can see a renewed passion for the gospel’s advance across Texas.
I hope you will join us Feb. 26-27 at the Irving Convention Center for this encouraging time. There’s something for everyone. I am praying even now that we will experience a move of God as we gather. I love you and am grateful to serve you. See you there!