Let’s charge ahead with confidence

We are seeing something phenomenal happen across our nation. There is a wave of prayer movements rising in various places. I am hearing story after story about churches that are recognizing the absence of the presence and power of God and have called their people to corporate prayer. Churches are returning to weekly prayer meetings and are devoting the entire gathering to calling on the name of the Lord. 

The outcome of these prayer meetings has been amazing! These churches are seeing the supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit being poured out among them in exponential and tangible ways. They are experiencing radical conversions, record baptisms, marriages restored, addictions broken, sin confessed, miraculous healings, church unity, and the sweetness of fellowship with Jesus. 

New Beginnings Baptist Church, where I serve, is one of those churches. We were a church that found ourselves headed into 2021 in a state of crisis. From the perspective of how many churches are measured, we looked healthy. We were growing numerically, we were financially stable, and our ministries were busy and thriving. We looked alive, but we were on the brink of death! We were missionally distracted, spiritually dry, and relationally divided. We had lost our passion, were not seeing spiritual fruit, and were going through the motions of church. Unfortunately, it was difficult for us to recognize. 

"I truly believe that if we devote our congregations to prayer, we will see a movement of God in our state and nation that we have never seen."

In this season of darkness, God brought us to a place of brokenness and called us to pray. Our church cleared our Wednesday night schedule and we began to meet weekly for corporate prayer. It is difficult to describe what God has done in our church over the past 18 months. We have seen an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that cannot be explained by preaching or plans. The only explanation is that we called on the Lord and He heard our cry and is answering. 

Our story is just one of dozens of stories of churches that have returned to prayer and are seeing God move in power among them. I believe that revival is coming! But it is coming for those who will return to the Lord in prayer. Throughout God’s Word and church history, we have seen that when prayer is prioritized among God’s people, it becomes a catalyst for God moving with power among His people. Every significant movement of God both biblically and historically is birthed through desperate prayer. 

My prayer is that the churches of our convention will prioritize corporate prayer as essential. Let us pray more in our Sunday gatherings. Let us set aside a corporate time of prayer weekly. Let us have special seasons of fasting and prayer built into our yearly rhythms. I truly believe that if we devote our congregations to prayer, we will see a movement of God in our state and nation that we have never seen. 

My heart’s desire is to see the greatest prayer movement in the history of our nation. I believe that it would lead to us witnessing the greatest revival we could ever imagine. Let us clear our schedules, gather our people, and cry out to the God who hears!

SBTC President
Todd Kaunitz
New Beginnings Baptist Church Longview
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