Lone Star Scoop • September 2022

Tyler church rallies around family of fallen sheriff’s deputy

TYLER—Smith County Sheriff’s Deputy Lorenzo Bustos was killed in the line of duty during a routine traffic stop in July. Following his death, Friendly Baptist Church—of which Bustos, 29, was a member—stepped up to minister to the Bustos family, establishing a memorial fund to benefit his wife and their three children (ages 4, 5, and 8).

A 21-year-old driver was arrested for intoxication manslaughter in connection to Bustos’ death.

His pastor, Dan Lewis, said Bustos is remembered for his big smile and positive attitude. Bustos had a significant “impact on our church family,” Lewis said, noting that the deputy and his wife, Gloria, started actively serving in GAs and RAs shortly after joining the church in May 2015.

Rush Creek lead pastor Marty Collier (second from left) prays over Damian Cirincione (center) and Bradley Linkins (left) of the Nevada Baptist Convention Tuesday at the SBTC Executive Board meeting. Caleb Turner, assistant pastor of Mesquite Friendship Baptist Church (right) is also pictured. SBTC PHOTO
SBTC enters into partnership with Nevada Baptist Convention 
GRAPEVINE  Underscoring the cooperative work that is foundational among Southern Baptists, the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention announced on August 9 that it has entered into a multiyear ministry partnership with the Nevada Baptist Convention. The partnership, SBTC Executive Director Nathan Lorick said, will provide financial support and various resources to help Southern Baptists in Nevada strengthen existing churches, plant new churches, reach the lost, and develop leaders. In July, the SBTC Executive Committee approved funding of up to $150,000 to be disbursed to the Nevada Baptist Convention in three annual installments of up to $50,000 each beginning this year. A fourth installment may also be given with Executive Committee approval.
Cooperative Program Sunday set for Oct. 2

Each year, the Southern Baptist Convention sets aside one Sunday to promote giving to the Cooperative Program, the mechanism by which the convention funds missions. Sunday, October 2, has been designated as this year’s “Cooperative Program Sunday.”

As churches are preparing for services, they are asked to prayerfully consider playing CP promotional videos, use provided resources, preach a related sermon, or invite a guest speaker from the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention to come and share about the Cooperative Program.

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Learn of George Liele, others in Black History book of family devotions, recipes

NASHVILLE (BP)—When the 18th century church planter, evangelist and foreign missionary George Liele was imprisoned in Jamaica, he spread the Gospel in prison, reminiscent of the apostle Paul. Liele, celebrated Feb. 2 on the Southern Baptist ...

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