Making an eternity of difference a world away

Bruno Molina, language evangelism associate for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, got good news a couple of months ago. Let’s just say it was good news about the good news. 

Molina received notification that the SBTC’s 1Cross app had been used to share the gospel with somebody in India. In response, that person made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ—11 years to the day the app was launched by the SBTC right here in Texas.

The 1Cross app was developed as a tool churches and individuals can use to share the gospel in nearly 70 languages, including many you’ve probably heard of (Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian) and maybe a few you haven’t (Pokomo, Zomi, Luhya-Bukusu, and Gujarati). Each video includes a gospel presentation that can be downloaded or shared, and there’s even a gospel presentation in English.

“We have had the joy of seeing God use the 1Cross app to bring people to Christ both in the U.S. and abroad,” Molina said. “On one occasion, a Korean student at Southwestern Seminary used the app to lead a Spanish-speaking Mexican man to Christ and we were able to connect him to a church in Fort Worth. On another occasion, I recall with gratitude that one of our SBTC churches went on a mission trip to Thailand and led two people to Christ that I was able to connect to a Baptist church in Bangkok. Praise the Lord!”

Likewise, Molina said he was able to forward the person’s name who got saved in India to an International Mission Board leader there to help connect that person to a local church.

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