Tom Campbell new MCR director

Tom Campbell is the new SBTC director of minister-church relations. Campbell replaces Mike Smith, who recently began as president of Jacksonville College in Jacksonville, Texas.

Campbell joined the SBTC staff in 2006 as the minister-church relations associate and most recently was director of facilitating ministries.

As part of the transition, the SBTC’s field ministry strategists will now be working through the minister-church relations office, moving from facilitating ministries. Also, Olin Boles joined the MCR team on Aug. 1 as associational strategist.  

“We feel that this is a natural merge of their ministry to work more closely with the objectives of the MCR department,” Campbell said in a letter to associational directors of missions announcing the transition of field ministry strategists.

Meanwhile, institutional relations will be handled temporarily through the executive director’s office.

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