Highland Lakes to honor Dawdy, new director Flowers takes reins

After 23 years of serving as executive director at Highland Lakes Camp and Conference Center, Danny Dawdy retired in early March.

He served local Texas churches in Huntsville, Morton, Port Lavaca, Eastland, Palestine, and LaGrange, as well as Baker, La., before beginning his leadership of two Texas Baptist encampments. Dawdy served from 1995-1998 as executive director at Camp Chaparral and 1998-2022 at Highland Lakes. It has been estimated that at least 1.5 million students have come through the gates at Highland Lakes since he began his ministry on Lake Travis 23 years ago.

Dawdy’s footprint on the camping ministry both in Texas and nationwide has been felt for many years and will continue to be felt for years to come. There will be a celebration of he and his wife Terry’s ministry at HLCCC on April 23 at Highland Lakes Camp. The public is invited to attend. There will be reception in honor of the Dawdys from 1:30-2:45 p.m. followed at 3 p.m. with a time of celebration featuring Billy Beachum, the Skit Guys, and other special guests in the Miles Auditorium. A basket will be available for notes of appreciation and love offerings.

A new era began under the leadership of Norman Flowers following Dawdy’s retirement. Flowers most recently served at First Baptist Church of Marble Falls as the missions and discipleship pastor. He and his wife, Lori, felt called to lead Highland Lakes into a bright future and began leading the camp on March 7, 2022.

Flowers brings 40 years of ministry experience to a strong staff and one of the most beautiful camps the state of Texas has to offer. There have been difficult days in recent years for camps but the leadership at Highland Lakes Camp believes the best days are still to come.

Visit www.hlccc.org for more information and dates of camps and events coming soon.

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