Austin Rally for Life Pray for an End to Abortion

AUSTIN—Karen McDaniel was one of thousands of pro-life activists to march to the Capitol steps on Jan. 25 to make their voices heard; to pray, and give glory to God for limiting abortion in Texas; and to hear how the pro-life movement’s goal is to stop abortions nationwide.

McDaniel marched in the Texas Rally for Life with members of Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, carrying a sign that read “Pray to end abortion.” She said abortion harms women, but the clinics and media work in tandem to hide the evil side of the industry.

McDaniel said she founded the Champion Forest Coalition for Life in 2008, after attending a church-sponsored Roe v. Wade conference, where she met women with testimonies about the horrors of abortion. Until then, she said the media had her believing pro-life activists were the bad guys, and abortion was a viable healthcare option for women.

Since then, in hopes of ending abortion, McDaniel has worked at her church, and in the community to educate women about the abortion industry. She also organizes prayer at abortion clinics, trips to pro-life rallies, and group participation in the Life Chain. “We need to seek God, rise up against abortion, and pray that the Lord will overturn Roe v. Wade,” she said.

Speakers at the Texas Rally for Life, commemorating the 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, included GOP State Rep. Jeff Leach, Claire Culwell, an abortion survivor, and moderator Sylvia B. Johnson-Matthews, of the Houston Pregnancy Help Center.     

Leach said the 2019 legislature approved more restrictive laws against abortion, but the number of abortion clinics in Texas doubled to 10 in the past year, with most opening in West Texas. He said nationwide, many recent laws banning abortion and protecting the unborn cannot be enforced due to court challenges. The good news, he said, is these new laws may also force Supreme Court challenges to Roe v. Wade, and a woman’s legal right to an abortion.  

Culwell, who survived an abortion that took her twin sister, said she was adopted, but located, and forgave her biological mother for her part in the failed abortion.  “Abortion hurts us, but life, and motherhood empowers us,” she said.

Johnson-Matthews said since Roe v. Wade more than 60 million babies have been aborted, and their “spilled blood is crying out to God,” but the Lord is hearing their cry. “We are winning the battle against abortion thanks to the Lord, science, and you taking a stand for life.”

Symphony Brown, another member of Champion Forest attending Stephen F. Austin University, participated in her first Rally for Life carrying a sign that read “Defund Planned Parenthood.” Brown said she recently joined Lumberjacks for Life, and became more educated about abortion. She now believes unborn children have a right to life, and is sharing her beliefs with family, and friends.

Others carrying signs reading “I regret my abortion,” shared testimonies of how they were pressured into having an abortion, and then became suicidal and drug-addicted before meeting Christ. They now educate about the negative impact of abortion, and minister to those wounded, and hurting after their abortion.

David Krauss of Austin rode a scooter to the rally, and others marched to the Capitol using walkers, and canes. “I am here to defend the unborn,” Krauss said. “I believe a baby is formed at conception, and that abortion is murder. I believe that what God has created, man should not destroy.”   

TEXAN Correspondent
Ed Huber
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