Oregon county surprised by use of aborted babies as “energy source”

A Catholic newspaper in British Columbia, Canada has reported that medical waste from Canada, including aborted babies, was being sent to a Marion County, Oregon power plant to be burned for electricity production in Oregon homes.

The practice has reportedly been halted pending an investigation by local officials in Oregon, who were quoted as surprised and troubled by the finding.

The Associated Press reported that Sam Brentano, Marion County board of commissioners chairman, was halting human tissue from being used at the longtime waste-to-energy plant.

“We provide an important service to the people of this state and it would be a travesty if this program is jeopardized due to this finding,” he said in a statement, according to the AP. “We thought our ordinance excluded this type of material at the waste-to-energy facility. We will take immediate action to ensure a process is developed to prohibit human tissue from future deliveries.”

A British Columbia health ministry spokesman told the AP that health authorities there contract with a third party to send “biomedical waste, such as fetal tissue, cancerous tissue and amputated limbs,” to the Oregon plant.

I’m not sure on why the panic by the Marion County commissioners—unless they believe human life in the womb has sanctity. I hope that’s the case. Too often people are repulsed by the thought of such things, but those sentiments can be numbed with time and indoctrination provided they have no theological base to hold to.

If we are merely material beings, no biggie. Get over it. Apparently in Canada they understand this more than in Marion County, Oregon.





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Jerry Pierce
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