Texas Baptist Home brings gospel hope to women

John 4 contains one of my favorite examples of Jesus expressing kindness as he reached out to a woman who represents many women in our culture today. Imagine for a moment this woman’s story—the circumstances of her life: It could have been that she was childless, each of her five husbands rejecting her because she could not give them an heir. Perhaps she started her adult life by being raped or choosing to have premarital sex and having children out of wedlock. 

For whatever reason, she found herself in one relationship after another. This woman might say of herself, “I’m strong, I’m self-made.” She could have had some pride in her accomplishments because she had faced adversity and was a survivor. But then Jesus enters her story.

What if I were to contrast her story with the story of a modern-day woman in crisis? The story of the typical biological mother who walks into Texas Baptist Home for Children can be told in much the same way. They have had life hit them hard, with great challenges. They have been cast away by people again and again, and with strength and a little bit of pride they have made their way in the world. What is so unfortunate is that so many of these women’s stories don’t end with … “but then Jesus.”

How can we engage the woman in crisis? Jesus met this woman where her needs were. She needed water for the day, and Jesus met her there. How about you and me? How can we meet women at their point of need? 

So many opportunities to engage hurting women are available to foster parents, at crisis pregnancy centers and in life’s greatest needs. TBHC is engaging with crisis pregnancy centers in north Texas, offering women who desire to give their children life through adoption the chance to get on their feet. We are always improving our services and hope to help women find hope again. Join us as we seek and engage the lost world with the hope that only Jesus brings. Thank you for your support and thanks for helping bring kids home.   

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