AM ’09: Bible Conference speakers urge refreshment, renewal, elect officers

LUBBOCK?A handful of pastors and a best-selling author drew from different scriptural texts to encourage and challenge those gathered for the annual Bible Conference of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention as they addressed the theme “Renew, Refresh, and Recharge.”

During the Monday session of the Bible Conference at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, officers for the 2010-11 session were elected by acclamation and unopposed. Elected as president was Heath Peloquin, pastor, Brighton Park Baptist Church, Corpus Christi; as first vice president Nathan Lorick, pastor, First Baptist Church, Malakoff; and second vice president Bart Barber, pastor, First Baptist Church, Farmersville.

Tim LaHaye

The conference opened Oct. 25 at Southcrest Baptist Church with LaHaye, a popular author and speaker. Known for his books on end-time prophecies, LaHaye read from 2 Timothy, chapters 3 and 4. Making note of the passage 4:3-4, he said “itching ears” is a hallmark of the end times.

Believing the time of Jesus’ return is imminent, LaHaye said, “If there was ever a time when we need to teach the Word of God it is in this day and age. That is the one thing that will help people understand the true from the false.”

He added that when people leave church “they should go with some of the Word of God in their heart.”

It was put upon his heart many years ago the power of three words?message, morals and money. He said it is important how pastors perceive those three spheres of influence in their own lives and how they interject them into their messages to the local church.

He urged pastors to stay true to the written Word void of any insertion of secularism. The message of Christ crucified and resurrected should never be compromised.

Regarding morals LaHaye said the most damaging act to a Christian witness is marital infidelity. He said the legalization of pornography by the Supreme Court in 1973 has done the greatest damage to the fabric of American culture than any other court decision.

A person’s attitude toward money is vital. But staying focused on the end game is most encouraging. It’s all about the reward to come.

“You know what I want is to look into the eyes of Jesus and hear him say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.'”

Fred Luter

Speaking from personal experience, Luter, pastor of Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans, told the conference to hold on to their faith in the face of difficulties.

“If the storms of life show up so does the Savior,” he said.

And Luter knows about storms.

As Franklin Avenue Baptist Church had outgrown its facilities, the members, with the enthusiastic blessing of their pastor, had plans to build new facilities on nine acres of land not far from their current location.

Then, Luter said, “A woman named Katrina came calling.”

The congregation, like the rest of New Orleans, was dispersed. The vision Luter had for his church was gone with the surge o

TEXAN Correspondent
Bonnie Pritchett
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