An unchanging gospel in an ever-changing world

The homosexual agenda has advanced at breathtaking speed.  The first domino fell when it became politically correct to hold the position that homosexuality is an inherited trait rather than a chosen behavior. Logically following the first step, its proponents say that since homosexuality stems from an inherited trait, the homosexual agenda is a civil rights issue. Now in Texas, as in other states, the voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage has been declared unconstitutional with the Supreme Court to issue the final say in the not-too-distant future. Chief Justice Roberts wants to slow the process down so that the court does not get out too far in front of the people. Through the clutter and noise of political maneuvering, what I hear is the unspoken proclamation that the Bible is irrelevant, and therefore, so are those who believe it.  

Despite the waves of humanism crashing around us, those whose eyes are still on Jesus know that the Bible carries a relevance more poignant than today’s newspaper.  The Bible speaks to moral issues as well as all other ones, but in order to be heard, someone has to preach and teach that truth.  We can view the moral changes around us, not just those from the homosexual agenda, in several ways. We can bemoan the fact that corruption is all around us and exhibit a self-righteousness that is not becoming at all; we can engage in vociferous saber rattling, or, we can view these days as incredible opportunities to shine an ever brighter light in an ever darkening world. I think of two passages:

  • 1 Corinthians 16:8-9 … “But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, for a wide door for effective work has opened for me, and there are many adversaries.”
  • Romans 1:16 … “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

Let’s stay in the fight until Jesus comes, because there are wide doors open right now, though the adversaries are many.  It is my conviction that they will increase the intensity of their opposition in the days ahead. More now than ever, this world needs the “pillar and buttress of the truth” to do her job (1 Timothy 3:15).  In the face of these adversaries, let’s not be ashamed of the gospel.  It is still the power of God for salvation to all who would believe.

 The culture in which we live today will change, and likely change very quickly, but the gospel remains the same. Let’s not change it or adjust it. Let’s preach it, teach it and live it in a spirit of love, mercy and grace.

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