Elliff reminds pastors of “crunch time” in reaching world

It’s crunch time, according to International Mission Board President Tom Elliff. Elliff issued a plea to pastors to help confront the “lostness” of the world as they emphasize giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions.

“All over the world there are literally billions of people who are broken, desperate and thirsty for the Living Water,” Elliff wrote in this year’s LMCO appeal. “For more than 160 years, IMB has partnered with churches like yours to share the truth of Jesus with those who desperately need to hear. But for us to fulfill the Great Commission, to make disciples of all nations, we must all be totally committed.”

“Giving no less than our heart, soul and mind is what’s required of us as believers in Christ,” Elliff said, noting this year’s theme of “Totally His.”

“Right now, standing on tiptoe, we can literally see the ends of the earth,” he wrote. “But it’s crunch time, pastors. We can’t live where we live, drive what we drive, wear what we wear and eat what we eat—and at the end of the day call it ‘sacrifice.’”

Aware that pastors are often the gatekeepers to LMCO promotion, Elliff reminded readers, “Your church’s giving truly makes a difference. Those God has called are sent and supported, and thousands of lives captive in darkness are set free by the glorious message of the gospel. Let’s give abundantly and sacrificially, totally from the heart.”

Tools for promoting the offering are available online at imb.org/offering.

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