Grateful Hearts

It is obvious that the new paradigm for a state convention is working for the SBTC. Each day new churches affiliate with us while others are calling for us to send a representative to talk with their church bodies. This is certainly an encouraging sign to all of us.

The convention met its annual budget by August this year, and God continues to send His increase. These are facts that we rejoice in, but more than anything else, facts we are humbled by. I encourage you to join me in giving God thanks for the new souls saved, the new work started, and the abundant supply provided by Him to make it all possible.

Our convention in Houston is just around the corner. I trust you will remember this date in prayer and pray for God to give us a great time together. Let us expand our vision, extend our faith, and maintain the course He has set us on.

For me, personally, it is a joy to be a part of a convention that is transparent in its operations and unapologetic in its goals. See you in Houston.

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