Bucket Project continues effort

The Bucket Project, an effort to supply hospice kits to sub-Saharan African peoples suffering the ravages of HIV/AIDS and other terminal illnesses, will soon ship a container of more than 700 buckets to Africa. The outreach is sponsored by Baptist Global Relief (BGR), which re-launched the ministry in 2012 with a special emphasis on Texas participation in anticipation of a nationwide campaign.

Texas coordinators of the project are retired IMB missionaries to Zambia Franklin and Paula Kilpatrick, who work with churches to promote the buckets. SBTC churches are responding.

“One of the really good things about the project is that it allows small churches to have a hands-on international experience,” said Paula Kilpatrick, who noted that a church in the FIRM Baptist area with 15 members has committed to supplying eight buckets.

The buckets of The Bucket Project are five-gallon containers with snap-on lids and wire handles available at Wal-Mart and Lowe’s. These are filled with vitamins, sheets, pillowcases, washcloths, towels, toothpaste, lip balm, lotion, fingernail clippers and disposable gloves, among other items. A complete shopping list, including product numbers and specific instructions for purchases, is available on the BGR website (gobgr.org/buckets).

Visitors to the BGR website may also download a step-by-step guide for bucket assembly, explanations of the purpose of each item included in the hospice kit, and a seven-day prayer guide educating readers about AIDS, hospice needs and sub-Saharan Africa.

The online cost for a completely assembled bucket is $79.40 plus shipping. Unassembled bucket kits are $72.40. Items for the buckets and empty buckets may be ordered individually. For more information visit gobgr.org/buckets.

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