Operation Care to host April 3 Easter banquet for the homeless: celebrating redemption

DALLAS—Operation Care, the Dallas-based homeless ministry founded by Susie Jennings, will hold its first Easter Banquet of Love on Saturday, April 3, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. 

The street fair event will be held at 2151 Mariana Street in Dallas, the site of a former strip club, now the worship and event center of ESP of Dallas, a homeless ministry.

Operation Care, known for its annual mega Christmas party for the homeless, is partnering with ESP of Dallas and other DFW ministries to host the Easter celebration. Homeless men and women will be bused from local shelters and off the streets to attend. 

The event will feature an ice cream, cotton candy, a barbecue lunch from Smokey John’s. Homeless guests will receive new shoes, haircuts, foot washing, makeovers, eyeglasses, medical assessments, blankets and personal care items. The gospel will be shared and baptisms offered.

“This historic day will culminate with a talent show featuring performances by our homeless guests … called ‘Homeless Got Talent,’” said the Operation Care website. First prize will be a limo ride, overnight stay in the OMNI hotel, a new outfit and spa treatment, Jennings posted on Facebook.

Speakers will include author Ron Hall, Christ’s Reward founder Wade Aaron, former NFL Patriots lineman Devin Wyman, and Jennings.

For more information on the Easter Banquet of Love, or to volunteer or make a donation, visit operationcareinternational.org.

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