REVISED SBTC Statement on the Coronavirus

March 16, 2020

Your Southern Baptists of Texas Convention ministry leaders continue to closely monitor the progress of COVID-19, the coronavirus, in countries around the world and here in Texas. We have been heartened to see the responses of our Southern Baptist churches as they seek to continue their ministries and worship activities in new ways. Our churches are better together even in a day of social distancing.

SBTC is responding to the current crisis by cancelling, postponing or implementing by virtual means, all events and meetings through April 30. Our staff will not be travelling and we are not asking you to travel for an SBTC event. You can check the web page for an event or contact the hosting department to find out the plan for a specific event. Our prayer is that the situation will be clearer by the end of April and we’ll know how to plan our events going into late spring and summer. 

Continue to monitor our website and our news site to get updates and information about how churches and fellowships of churches are responding to the challenges and opportunities of our day. We suggest you check back daily for more details as information and the situation change every day. We will be posting resources starting March 17, including best practices to help churches with live streaming, pastoral care, maintaining community, and other ministry priorities. 

We urge you to stay up to date on current and helpful information available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and your local health authorities as you minister in your own community.  

Please contact the SBTC if there are ways we can be of help to your ministry in the days ahead. 

Always praying for you,
Jim Richards, Executive Director

Executive Director Emeritus
Jim Richards
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
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