SBTC appoints task force, musters tools and resources to help churches adapt in a COVID-19 world

SBTC Executive Director Jim Richards has formed the SBTC COVID-19 Task Force to streamline the convention’s efforts to assist and support churches during the ongoing pandemic.

The simplest way to stay up-to-date on tools is to visit This web page is a one-stop shop for tools and resources assembled by the task force from across the convention and the broader SBC.

Richards tapped church ministries associate Lance Crowell to serve as task force chairman.

“In order to continue serving the churches of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, your staff has formed a task force to provide resources in the face of this pandemic virus,” Richards said. “While we pray for you as you minister to your church and community, we want you to know that we will assist you in any way we can.”

Crowell named the rest of the task force, made up of a cross-section of SBTC ministry staff: Dave Carroll, Joe Davis, Chris Enright, Caleb Lasater, Josh Owens, Mitch Tidwell and Tony Wolfe.

“We know these are turbulent times for the state of Texas, your communities and your churches,” said Crowell, task force chairman. “However, we also know that God is good all the time, and in his provision we can find peace and encouragement through the body. Therefore, we want you to know that the SBTC COVID-19 Task Force is working diligently to provide community, support and tools to aid your church.”

These tools include help on:

  • Livestreaming for your church’s worship services
  • Online financial giving
  • Conducting small groups and Sunday school remotely
  • Helps for families at home
  • Networking and brainstorming with counterparts across the SBTC fellowship of churches

The task force has also set up a hotline number: 1-800-701-9358. Church leaders can call the number to speak with an SBTC staff member for tailored help in navigating their local church’s response to COVID-19.

If your church is not currently receiving email updates from the SBTC, please email your name, church, city and cell phone number (optional) to

“We stand ready to help you, whether answering questions or concerns, providing training, or putting you in touch with local resources to assist you in whatever area your church requires,” Crowell said. “It is our honor to walk beside you as we travel this difficult, yet hopeful road together.”

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