SBTC churches contributed a record $27.27 million through the Cooperative Program in 2018, with 55 percent (just over $15 million) funneled to the national Southern Baptist Convention and its entities and 45 percent ($12.27 million) retained in Texas for state ministries.
The SBTC’s percentage of CP giving to the national SBC exceeds that of any other Southern Baptist state convention. The SBTC ranks among the top CP givers in total dollars as well.
From its beginnings, the SBTC has been committed to Cooperative Program giving.
In 1999, SBTC messengers approved a $903,500 budget, with half of all undesignated receipts earmarked for the SBC. Actual receipts that year were nearly $1.4 million, and $763,315 was forwarded to the SBC. The year 2016 marked the second highest CP total for SBTC churches, with total giving at $26,795,000.
The SBTC’s 2018 CP receipts were under its budgeted $28.52 million, but the convention had a net overage due to underspending in some areas. The SBTC Executive Board approved allocations from overage to Jacksonville College, Criswell College and disaster relief in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.