FORT WORTH—Southern Baptists of Texas Foundation (SBTF) Executive Director Bart McDonald told messengers at the 2014 Southern Baptists of Texas Convention Annual Meeting, Nov. 11, that if national giving trends continue at their current pace, “the overwhelming majority of our churches” will face “an uncertain financial future as we bury the most faithful and generous generation.”
McDonald stated, however, that the foundation remains committed to assisting SBTC churches in developing cultures of giving.
Commending the “most faithful of the faithful,” McDonald, who assumed the SBTF helm in April, noted that in his experience pastoring two churches, more than 50 percent of the receipts came from older congregants.
McDonald explained that the foundation wishes to assist churches in creating a “legacy culture.”
“We come alongside our pastors. We want our pastors to understand what our objectives are as we seek to provide our churches value. We are ready to assist you in informing your congregants with the knowledge it takes for them to make adequate preparations so that they remember their church in their wills,” McDonald said.
“The government is poised to take a bite out of the apple in the passage of money to each generation,” McDonald stated. “We come alongside churches seeking to develop their stewardship.”
For church members seeking the SBTF’s assistance, McDonald noted that the foundation’s goals are “soundness, safety and an over market return on liquid investments.”
Revitalization is another focus of both the SBTC and the SBTF, with efforts specifically geared to assist churches in decline.
Citing Daniel 2:21, McDonald said, “Let the name of the Lord be blessed forever and ever for it is he who changes the times and the epochs.”
“We live in changing times,” McDonald affirmed, assuring member churches of the foundation’s readiness to assist in shifting realities, when “business as usual” no longer works.