The gospel above all

The theme for the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Orlando has been announced, and for the first time ever the theme will be a repeat from the previous year. “The Gospel Above All” is worthy of a second year. Actually, this should be our continual focus.

The SBTC Empower Conference is Feb. 24 and 25 in the Irving Convention Center. It is the largest state convention gathering for evangelism in the SBC. Great worship music, anointed preaching, training workshops and fellowship meals are all on the schedule. It is a highlight of the year for church staff and laypersons. This event should be the catalyst to propel us into another year of sharing the gospel.

“Who’s Your One?” was successful in 2019. The challenge was to find one person you would pray for and witness to. Many stories were told about people coming to know Jesus. People will respond if we will tell them about our Lord and Savior. It is just a tool, but it works. We have to work to make it work. Stay focused on the gospel.

The apostle Paul told the Corinthians the gospel was about Jesus’ death according to the Scriptures, his burial and his resurrection according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:1, 3-4). Through repentance and faith a person receive eternal life that is in Christ. It takes place at a moment in time, then lasts forever.

Recently, some important topics have surfaced that needed our attention as a group of churches. We have formed task forces, appointed committees and passed resolutions. Some of these topics have been described as “gospel issues.” The gospel is about the transforming power of God to move a person for death to life. While we have moral and biblical matters that relate to the gospel we must remember that it is The Gospel Above All.

The political and cultural climate clamors for us to trade the best for the good. While we are to be involved, informed citizens we are to remember it is The Gospel Above All. Let us never surrender biblical convictions. In doing so, may we always remember Paul’s words to the Corinthians: “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2). 

There are 29 million people in Texas, and some say there are 19 million Texans without a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. There are over 3,000 people groups and 4-5 billion people in the world who are lost without our Savior. We need to be engaged on many levels, but there is one place imperative for us to focus: The Gospel Above All.

We need each other. We need a confessional fellowship of churches. We need a fresh breath from the Spirit of God. Join me at the Irving Convention Center to be encouraged, challenged and equipped to live a life that puts The Gospel Above All.   

Executive Director Emeritus
Jim Richards
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
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