Buckets of Love hospice kits focus at BGR booth

HOUSTON—”Buckets of Love” hospice kits will be a key focus at the Baptist Global Response booth in the exhibit hall at the Southern Baptist Convention.

Southern Baptists all over Texas have for several months been collecting supplies and
packing the buckets, a compilation of medical and hygiene supplies designed to help people suffering with terminal illnesses.

A call for churches to bring their packed buckets to the BGR booth in Houston has been issued by Franklin and Paula Kilpatrick, retired Southern Baptist missionaries who are coordinating The Bucket Project campaign in Texas. In addition, several national SBC leaders will be packing buckets themselves at the booth, including Russell Moore, newly elected president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission; Daniel Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; Wanda Lee, executive director/treasurer of Woman’s Missionary Union, SBC; and Frank Page, president and chief executive officer of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee; and Tom Elliff, president of the International Mission Board.

For information on that schedule, check at the BGR booth, located behind the Cooperative Program stage. For more information about The Bucket Project, visit
gobgr.org/buckets or email fpkilpatrick@gmail.com.

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