Resolutions cover Obama, adoption, biblical sexuality

LOUISVILLE?Southern Baptist Convention messengers passed a short but substantive list of resolutions that included one on the “racial progress signaled by the election of Barack Hussein Obama” that also exhorted the president to defend biblical views of marriage and human life, and to appoint “strict constructionist,” “original intent” judges.

Other resolutions adopted covered adoption and orphan care, biblical sexuality and public policy, the 150th anniversary of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and appreciation to Louisville-area Baptists and the seminary for their hosting the SBC annual meeting.

The non-binding resolutions passed with little floor discussion except for the Obama resolution, with messengers refusing a proposed floor amendment to include statements citing concern about Obama’s perceived promotion of homosexuality in public schools and lauding SBC Executive Committee President Morris Chapman’s call for more Christian schools.

Resolutions Committee chairman Daniel Akin told messengers although the committee was sympathetic to the contents of the amendment by T.C. Pinckney of Virginia, it would be more fitting in the context of the a different resolution.

(A more thorough report on resolutions will be posted later.)

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