Christian resources on homosexuality

Recommended by Bob Stith, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission gender issues strategist
When Homosexuality Hits Home
by Joe Dallas  
Someone I Love is Gay
by Anita Worthen and Bob Davies
“These two books are excellent resources for anyone who has a loved one struggling with homosexuality. If you suspect someone is dealing with this issue, it would be most helpful to read these works before having a discussion. How you respond initially is huge.”

The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality
by Joe Dallas and Dr. Nancy Heche
“This is a book that should be on every pastor’s desk. I know of nothing that matches it. It covers the basics about homosexuality as well as equipping the reader to deal with gay apologetics, genetic arguments, psychiatric arguments and cultural developments.”

Leaving Homosexuality
by Alan Chambers
“This is an excellent resource. Written as a guide for strugglers, it would be very helpful in giving insight and understanding to pastors and others who may have the opportunity to walk alongside someone in this struggle.”

Online forums for parents, men, women, husbands, wives and youth that are well-moderated and very secure in protecting the privacy of participants can be accessed at Living Hope Ministries,, or by calling Bob Stith at 817-424-9121.
Information on the SBC Task Force on Ministry to Homosexuals can be found at, including testimonies of the freedom that former homosexuals have found in Christ. Stith, who leads this effort, will also be available in a booth at the Nov. 14-15 annual meeting of the SBTC at the Irving Convention Center.

Recommended by Frank Catanzaro, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary counseling professor
Cross Ministry led by Tim Wilkins as a biblical approach to homosexuality, referring readers to the website at
Eternally Grateful Ministries led by Eric Garner also provides resources for individuals dealing with homosexuality at

Recommended by Tammi Ledbetter, TEXAN news editor
The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the Principal Threat to Religious Freedom Today by Alan Sears and Craig Osten.
“If you’re going to read one book to get up-to-speed on how seriously homosexual activists are pursuing an agenda that tramples the rights of people of faith, this book provides that information in a factual, well-documented approach based on cases the authors have analyzed for the Alliance Defense Fund, and in some cases fought firsthand. It is written from a compassionate perspective, offering hope that only Jesus Christ can provide to homosexuals, their friends and family, and equips the local church to stand strong.”
For more information about Christian alternatives to the Day of Silence, including the Day of Truth, visit, and

Recommended by Jerry Pierce, TEXAN managing editor
An Ounce of Prevention: Preventing the Homosexual Condition in Today’s Youth by Dan Schmierer.


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