Author: Jayson Larson

How to lead people who may not always like you

As pastors, sometimes it’s hard to imagine there are people in the church who don’t like us. Maybe it’s a small minority, even just one or two people. But it’s true—sometimes people won’t like you. Maybe it’s because of decisions you’ve made. Maybe it’s your priorities or personality. Maybe it’s your preaching or even your clothing.

No matter the reason, this can be a hard thing for pastors to accept. Even if you’re not bothered by the opinions of others, it can be difficult to lead those who may be upset with you. So how do you lead people who seem like they don’t like you? Three simple, perhaps unsurprising ways:

1. Be glad they love Jesus.

It’s not about you. It’s not about me. It’s all about Jesus. Therefore, if these individuals truly love Jesus, this is something to celebrate. Even if they’re upset over trivial or secondary things, we can be glad they have the main thing—and that’s Jesus. Perhaps this isn’t true of all, but for those who love Jesus and just disagree with you, you still have more in common with them than anyone else in the world. You have experienced the same grace of God in Jesus Christ. This is something to be glad about.

2. Empathize with them.

Depending on why they’re upset, this may be difficult. But it’s at least possible to genuinely empathize with people you feel are in the wrong. If someone is upset (even over secondary things like music style or how long you preach), we can genuinely try and understand why they’re upset. At a minimum, trying to understand where they’re coming from may help limit your frustration. Of course, there may be exceptions to this rule.

3. Love and serve no matter what.

I tell my church family often that one of the most important times to gather with God’s people is when we don’t feel like gathering with God’s people. The same is true for us as pastors. One of the most important times to love and serve God’s people is when we don’t feel like loving and serving God’s people. And this includes the people who may not be very happy with you.

This may all seem simple. It is. It’s simple to understand, but at times very difficult to implement. Too often, however, our immediate response to criticism is, “Well, I don’t care what people think.” I’m all for caring more about what God thinks than what people think, but let’s not forget: we’re to care for the people in our flock. This means we should care what they think, at least to an extent.

A book that has helped me greatly with leading when people don’t like me is When People are Big and God is Small by Ed Welch. If you are deeply bothered by opinions others may have of you, I encourage you to read this book. It will challenge you in making sure your fear of God always trumps your fear of man.

We should be glad they love Jesus (assuming they do). We should empathize when they disagree or are upset. We should love and serve no matter what. After all, Jesus loved us while we were yet sinners. We can do the same for God’s people.

Solidifying and streamlining your membership process

When I was in high school, all I needed to begin a dating relationship was to know a girl liked me. I didn’t consider other important factors, such as the girl’s character or relationship history. As a result, these relationships always ended badly.

Church membership is often treated this way. Many issues in our churches occur because we are often not clear with those seeking membership about what we believe and what we expect from them. Why? Because sometimes—like I was in high school—we’re just happy someone likes us. As a result, these relationships can often end badly.

That is why your membership process matters. At our church, we use a membership class to ensure people understand our expectations, what we believe, and how we operate. Here are a few best practices to consider if you are thinking about implementing a membership class or want to improve your existing membership process:

Be doctrinally firm

Doctrine is critical to maintaining unity in the church. Some doctrines are first-tier issues; others are second- or third-tier. A membership class is a great venue to be very frank about how your church views doctrine. Helping prospective members understand clearly what church leadership believes could save you much unnecessary heartache in the future.

Invite current members to the class

We ask our members to be table leaders in our membership classes. Table leaders interview incoming members, try to answer their questions, and ask them to dinner at their house. Church leaders and elders often conduct further interviews with prospective members when needed. Once the interview process is over, the table leaders present the prospective members to the congregation, share their testimonies, and recommend them for membership. We vote, we celebrate, and we welcome.

Careful in, beautiful out 

One of our deacons leads an exit care ministry. His job is to follow up with members who are moving to other churches. We love these people and often cry as our deacon reads letters at our member meetings from these departing brothers or sisters telling us of the church they are moving on to and how they still love our church. These departures are both beautiful and hard. We always say, “If leaving wasn’t hard, then it wasn’t good.” This healthy attitude starts at our membership class.

Following these practices creates a huge win for our church. Not only are we helping prospective members clearly understand where our church stands on important doctrinal issues, but our current members get a refresher course on what it means to be a church member and take ownership in that process. At the same time, relationships are formed between existing members and new members.

We typically have at least one prospective member decide to not join the church each time we have a class. Some want to wait and pray before joining; others move on to other churches that agree with them on issues that are personally important to them.

I praise the Lord for all of this. I am glad for these people. I am grateful that the unity in our church has been protected, and I am thankful that our current members get to see—and participate—in this important process.

Ministry with roots in SBTC church helps missionaries with a set of wheels while home on furlough

HOUSTON—Upon returning stateside on furlough from two different assignments while serving the International Mission Board as overseas missionaries, Nate and Barbi Sprinkle found themselves with several essential needs.

The first occasion was in 2006-2007, when the young family was returning from serving in Nepal. The second occurred after they served nearly seven years in Northern India. On both occasions, they needed a vehicle to help them get around while back in the states.

And on both occasions, they turned to the Macedonian Call Foundation (MCF) for help.

Founded in 1980 by Harvey and Charlene Kneisel, MCF is a Houston-based non-profit organization that provides vehicles to missionaries furloughed in the U.S. Missionaries pay $250 per month, which includes use of the vehicle and full insurance coverage. They are also responsible for fuel costs, oil changes, and minor repairs while they are driving an MCF vehicle, which can be loaned for up to a year.

“[The fact] we were able to borrow a car from MCF both times was a Godsend,” said Nate, who now serves as senior pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Rosenberg.

Doug Miller and his wife, Cathy—longtime members at Sugar Creek Baptist Church in Sugar Land—took the helm of MCF in 2013. They became aware of the ministry through an article printed in the Southern Baptist Texan, the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention’s newspaper.

“Here, you like cars,” Cathy told Doug as she showed him the article. “You should do this.”

That was the beginning of a now decade-long relationship that has seen the Millers volunteer their time to minister to missionaries.

In the past year and a half, MCF has loaned vehicles to missionaries serving in 48 countries. Mr. Miller, MCF’s president, said the organization works hard to add a personal touch to those it serves. For example, MCF board members often assist with picking up missionaries at the airport so they are welcomed home by a smiling face. There’s a fringe benefit to such service, as those MCF servants often get firsthand accounts of the work God is doing around the globe.

MCF loans vehicles to missionaries and their families an average of 50-70 times per year. While sending agencies, including the IMB, frequently send referrals to MCF, Miller said it can still be a challenge letting missionaries around the world know the ministry exists.

“The challenge we have is to get the word to churches who sponsor missionaries and to the sending agencies so that they can spread the word to the people coming and going every year and every day,” Mr. Miller said. “There are so many missionaries who could use the service if they just knew about it.”

Another challenge? Keeping MCF’s fleet of donated vehicles on the road. The ministry owns 31 vehicles, 26 of which are currently operational (two are undergoing maintenance and three are scheduled to go out soon). The average age of an MCF vehicle is 13.5 years old and donations of vehicles have slowed since COVID began.

With stacks of cards and letters of support as reminders, the Millers say they are confident God will continue to provide and use the ministry for years to come.

“This ministry that we’re involved in is a huge blessing to many, many people who don’t have any other alternatives,” Mr. Miller said. “The foundation makes transportation one less thing [for missionaries] to worry about when they’re coming home.”

For more information, visit or email

SBTC Executive Board hears reports on partnerships, student ministry

GRAPEVINE—The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention Executive Board heard a pair of encouraging reports regarding a growing network of partnerships outside the state, as well as a summer full of activity in student ministry that led to hundreds of decisions for Christ, at its regularly scheduled triannual meeting on Aug. 15.

Missions Mobilization Associate Colin Rayburn spoke about the strategic partnerships that have been developed with the Convention of Southern Baptist Churches of Puerto Rico and the Nevada Baptist Convention. Through those partnerships, the SBTC has provided strategic vision opportunities for four of its churches in Puerto Rico, while also helping resource a retreat for pastors and their wives on the island—the first such event that had been offered to them in many years.

Rayburn also reported the Nevada Baptist Convention recently hosted an Equip Conference similar to what the SBTC hosts in Texas annually. Additionally, a vision trip which will aim to con­nect SBTC churches with strategic partnerships with Southern Baptist churches in Nevada is scheduled for Sept. 11-13.

Student Ministry Associate Brandon Bales gave a report on what turned out to be an incredible summer for M3 and Youth Week camps. Bales said attendance at the camps totaled 4,582 students. Of those, 394 students made a profession of faith in Je­sus Christ, 240 were baptized, and 316 answered a call to minis­try. Additionally, Bales reported the SBTC Student App has been downloaded more than 1,400 times since being launched in Au­gust 2022, with more than 133,000 engagements this year alone.

CP receipts down after giving slows in June, July

SBTC Chief Financial Officer Joe Davis reported to the board that Cooperative Program giving was significantly lower in June and July, resulting in a 5% year-to-date budget short­fall and a 5% reduction from the same time last year.

“We’re continuing to manage expenses and watch the budget closely as we steward Coopera­tive Program dollars,” Davis said after the meeting.

Board to ask messengers for extension on constitutional interpretation at AM

Messengers to the 2023 Southern Baptists of Texas Convention Annual Meeting in No­vember will be asked to consider extending the effective date of a constitutional interpretation referring to the office of pastor for currently af­filiated churches.

At the 2022 Annual Meeting in Corpus Christi, messengers approved a motion requir­ing the convention to interpret its constitution­al requirement that the “office of pastor be lim­ited to men” be applied “not only to the titles of senior pastor or lead pastor, but to any role designated by the noun ‘pastor’” beginning Jan. 1, 2024. At the Aug. 15 meeting, the Executive Board voted in favor of the Executive Commit­tee’s recommendation to request the messen­gers at November’s Annual Meeting to consider extending the effective date to Jan. 1, 2025.*

The SBTC Credentials Committee is already operating under the new interpretation for churches being newly considered for affiliation.

In August, Baptist Press reported a similar request made by Southern Baptist Convention President Bart Barber, pastor of the SBTC-af­filiated First Baptist Church of Farmersville. Barber asked state conventions and local asso­ciations to “press pause on any ongoing work they may be conducting or motions they may be considering that involve the nature of what it means to be a church in friendly cooperation with sister Southern Baptist churches.”

Such a pause, Barber said, would allow a newly seated “cooperation group” to engage in “high-quality research, dialogue, prayer, and contemplation about the nature of coopera­tion among Southern Baptist churches and our needs going forward.”

The 2023 SBTC Annual Meeting is scheduled for Nov. 13-14 at Cross City Church in Euless.

* Editor’s note: This article constitutes first notice of this motion.


First Dallas anuncia el lanzamiento de First Dallas en Español

DALLAS— Por primera vez, en los más de 150 años de la historia de la iglesia, First Baptist Dallas anunció durante un almuerzo el 6 de agosto que lanzará un ministerio completamente en español, First Dallas en Español.

El almuerzo atrajo a 350 hispanos de más de 18 países hispanoparlantes, los cuales expresaron interés en ser parte de este nuevo ministerio.

Hay alrededor de 64 millones de hispanos en los EE. UU., de los cuales alrededor de 12 millones viven en Texas. El cuarenta y dos por ciento de la población de Dallas es hispana.

“En First Baptist Dallas, creemos que la iglesia debe parecerse al cielo, llena de personas de todas las razas, etnias y orígenes adorando a nuestro Señor Jesucristo juntos”, dijo el Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor principal de First Dallas. “Hoy, First Dallas ya es una de las congregaciones más diversas en el Metroplex de Dallas/Fort Worth, y estamos emocionados de ver cómo Dios usará a First Dallas en Español para ministrar a la comunidad hispana en Dallas y alrededor de todo el mundo”.

El almuerzo de lanzamiento comenzó con un tiempo de oración, seguido por la introducción del ministerio por parte de Ryland Whitehorn, pastor ejecutivo de ministerios en First Dallas. Él se dirigió a los participantes y dio una cariñosa bienvenida al pastor de First Dallas en Español, al Dr. Humberto González, y su familia.

“Estoy muy entusiasmado con este ministerio. Este es el resultado de muchos años de oración. Queremos que esta iglesia esté en el corazón de First Dallas”, dijo Whitehorn. El agregó que First Dallas ha estado orando por un ministerio completamente en español y, al llamar a González, en el “encontró a un hombre con la misma pasión y visión”.

“Apoyamos completamente la misión y visión de Humberto, proporcionaremos recursos, dinero, etc., para este ministerio”, dijo Whitehorn. “Somos una sola familia y vamos a alcanzar a ésta ciudad para Cristo. First Dallas se compromete a hacer lo que sea necesario para alcanzar a nuestra comunidad hispana”.

First Dallas en Español ofrecerá escuela dominical completamente en español para niños y adultos de todas las edades. El ministerio se centrará en cumplir la Gran Comisión al alcanzar a los hispanos de primera, segunda y tercera generación, incluyendo a aquellos hispanos que solo hablan inglés, y todo lo lograrán a través de usar las cuatro estrategias clave de la iglesia: adorar, equipar, servir e influir.

“Estamos haciendo historia en First Dallas”, dijo González. “Este será su hogar para la verdad bíblica en comunidad. First Baptist Dallas sirve en el corazón del centro de Dallas y ahora también servirá y será un hogar para hispanos de todas partes del mundo”.


First Dallas announces launch of First Dallas en Español

DALLAS—First Baptist Dallas announced during an Aug. 6 luncheon that it is launching an all-Spanish ministry, First Dallas en Español, for the first time in the church’s more than 150-year history.

The luncheon attracted 350 Hispanics from more than 18 Spanish-speaking countries who expressed an interest in being part of the new ministry.

There are about 64 million Hispanics in the U.S., of which about 12 million live in Texas. Forty-two percent of Dallas’ population is Hispanic.

“At First Baptist Dallas, we believe the church should resemble heaven—filled with people of all different races, ethnicities, and backgrounds worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ together,” said Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of First Dallas. “Today, First Dallas is already one of the most diverse congregations in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, and we are excited to see how God will use First Dallas en Español to minister to the Hispanic community in Dallas and around the world.”

The kickoff luncheon started with a time of prayer, followed by an introduction of the ministry by Ryland Whitehorn, executive pastor of ministries at First Dallas. He addressed participants and gave a warm welcome to the pastor of First Dallas en Español, Humberto González, and his family.

“I am really excited about this ministry. This is the result of many years of prayer. We want this church to be at the heart of First Dallas,” Whitehorn said. He added that First Dallas has been praying for a complete ministry in Spanish and, in calling González, “found a man with the same passion and vision.”

“We fully support Humberto’s mission and vision, will provide resources, money, etc., for this ministry,” Whitehorn said. “We are one family and we are going to reach this city for Christ. First Dallas is committed to doing what it takes to reach our Hispanic community.”

First Dallas en Español will offer Sunday school completely in Spanish for children and adults of all ages. The ministry will be focused on accomplishing the Great Commission by reaching first-, second-, and third-generation Hispanics, including those who only speak English, through the church’s four key strategies: worship, equip, serve, and influence.

“We are making history at First Dallas,” González said. “This will be your home for biblical truth in community. First Baptist Dallas serves at the heart of downtown Dallas and now it will also serve and be the home for Hispanics from all over the world.”

Mandrell to Equip crowd: Pour into others and you’ll always be filled

HOUSTON—Ben Mandrell, president and CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources, challenged ministry leaders to remember the importance of caring about people during his keynote address at the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention’s Equip Conference held Saturday, Aug. 5, at Sagemont Church.

“Ministry is nothing short of showing people a visible picture of who God is,” Mandrell said.

Exegetical preaching is only half the job of a pastor, he added. Relationships with those to whom one ministers is equally important. Those called to ministry must love the sheep.

“If you are called to ministry, you’ve got to love shepherding,” Mandrell said. “And to shepherd means you’ve got to smell like sheep, which means you’ve got to be close to them all the time, not locked away in some room developing homiletical schemes. You’ve got to love people.”

Mandrell admitted the message he delivered at Equip was not the one he had originally prepared. Instead, he said he awakened that morning with another text “burning in his chest”—Romans 1. He called on ministry leaders and teachers to show human beings “what God looks like in a relationship.”

“If you’re going to go the distance in ministry, number one, you have to love seeing people. … Your eyes have to light up when people come into the room,” said Ben Mandrell, president and CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources. SBTC PHOTO

Seeing, strengthening, and celebrating

Mandrell focused on Romans 1:10-12, where the apostle Paul expresses an urgent desire to “see” the Roman Christians: to be physically among them, to know them, and to be known by them.

“If you’re going to go the distance in ministry, number one, you have to love seeing people. … Your eyes have to light up when people come into the room,” he said. “If you don’t love being with people, you shouldn’t be in people work.”

Pastors and teachers must not only see, but strengthen, people, Mandrell said, referencing biblical principles in a secular book, Chip Heath and Dan Heath’s The Power of Moments, to encourage a ministry of presence.

Ministry leaders must “show up and celebrate the highs” in the lives of those they shepherd. They must also “mourn with those who mourn” and be there for what Mandrell called the “grind,” encouraging the flock during trying life circumstances.

“Pastoring is not something that you do. Pastoring is something that you are,” he said.

A true shepherd not only sees and strengthens people, but also “selfishly longs for that moment when [people] get a spiritual win,” like a coach who is more excited about the game-winning touchdown than the quarterback who threw it.

Noting his own shortcomings when he had been called to change pastoral roles or initiated the exits of others, Mandrell stressed the importance of “leaving well,” challenging listeners to encourage—or “pour courage” into—other people, investing in their spiritual well-being and success.

Noting the examples of Jesus and Paul, who taught that true humility involves considering others greater than oneself, Mandrell said, “When you pour your life into other people, you’ll always be filled.”


Being ready for baptism

Mrs. Dot became a Christian very late in life. Her conversion was the result of the faithful and steady witness of her nursing home roommate, who would invite Mrs. Dot to church each Sunday. Mrs. Dot soon gave her life to Christ. Her subsequent baptism, however, put all things practical to the test.

Mrs. Dot suffered from a long list of health problems, including a recent stroke. As a result, she was unable to speak, found it difficult to breathe, and was beyond fragile. That meant the methods many churches use for baptism—baptistries, horse troughs, or nearby bodies of water—were out of the question.

But there was one other option for Mrs. Dot—a church member’s swimming pool. Several men hoisted Mrs. Dot, in her wheelchair, into the pool to be baptized. She insisted on being fully immersed, despite her obvious health concerns.

Where there is water, there is a way.

Sometimes baptisms require you to be flexible, but you always need a plan. No matter the circumstances, here are a few practical considerations for pastors and church leaders to consider when planning for a baptism:

  • Who will be doing the baptizing? Will it be the pastor, youth minister, father, or the person who led them to Jesus? For Mrs. Dot, it took more than a handful of people.
  • What will the baptism candidate wear? Some wear robes, others do not. Wherever your church culture leads in this regard, make sure baptism attire is modest—especially when it gets wet. Some people prefer to wear swimwear beneath their clothing when they are baptized. That’s always OK. Be sure your church keeps clean towels on hand and maybe even some generic shorts and T-shirts (leftover T-shirts from church events are great for this). You’d be surprised how often people forget to bring a towel and a change of clothes.
  • Ask the baptism candidate ahead of time if they are afraid of water. You’re welcome.
  • Walk them through the process when you meet to explain the meaning of baptism. Show the candidate where to place their hands as they are lowered into the water. Encourage them to invite family and friends to witness their baptism.
  • Some baptistries have a built-in stool. This makes it easier to baptize someone taller or stouter than you. Stools can also help when baptizing someone who has a hard time kneeling down or getting up. Having a good, strong deacon or helper nearby is a good idea. It might keep someone from slipping or being embarrassed if they cannot easily be raised up. Considering things like this ahead of time will help ensure the baptism will be exciting and joyful, not a time for someone to be embarrassed or get hurt.
  • Heat the water if you can. Not too cold, not too hot. Likewise, lake baptisms in January might not be as fun as they would in July.
  • Enlist the help of men and women in your church to help with all the tasks involved in carrying out a baptism. Their help in preparing the water, towels, and more will free you up to focus on the candidate.
  • Bear in mind that while you can have baptisms during any part of your worship service, you might need time to change clothes before and after.

Pragmatically speaking, it’s totally fine to think outside of the box as you approach baptisms—so long as we aren’t thinking outside of the Bible.

Church leaders celebrate life together at SBTC Asian Family Retreat

PEARLAND—The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention hosted its annual Asian Family Retreat June 26-28 at Parkway Baptist Church. The event was designed to encourage pastors, their families, and church leaders to continue working as disciple-makers, spend time together, and be refreshed by listening to preaching from the Word of God.

Tony Mathews, SBTC Missional Ministries senior strategist, opened the retreat by welcoming and praying over pastors from more than 10 countries. Worship was led by First Indonesian Baptist Church and International Victory Church.

David Kim, pastor of Good Community Church in Torrance, Calif., served as the guest speaker. “Evangelism is just the beginning,” Kim said. “The essence [of] discipleship is to save the lost, share the gospel, and live out the gospel.”

Kim referenced the story of the prodigal son from Luke 15:11-32, explaining that the parable “is a perfect example of the heart of our heavenly Father.

“The father in the parable waited every single day, every single hour, asking himself hundreds of times, ‘Will today be the time that my dear son will come back?’” Kim said. “There are hundreds of people [who are] lost, and we are sitting [and] giving hundreds of excuses why we cannot go [and share the gospel with them].”

Kim also shared from Colossians 2:6-7 to inspire pastors to recognize and live under the leadership and lordship of Christ, letting Him be the master of their lives. “Everything in my life is a blessing from God, and it is a privilege given to me by the Master, not a right,” Kim said. “I allowed God to be the control tower of my life.”

Kim also highlighted the importance of discipleship and described a disciple as someone who completely submits to the lordship of Christ and follows the leadership of Christ, resulting in “an overflow of thankfulness to God.”

Retreat participants were given time to gather by regions (Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, etc.,) and by ethnic fellowships to share the strengths, progress, and challenges of their ministries, as well as to assess pastoral and family wellness. Each ethnic group was led by an SBTC representative: Mathews, Jacob Cates, Bruno Molina, and Kaibin Fu. The regional groups were led by Michael Liga, Al Manigsaca, and Hyoung Min Kim.

The SBTC Asian Family Retreat included a track for the wives of pastors. SUBMITTED PHOTO

The retreat also included a time of fellowship, praying, and learning for the pastors’ wives. They were encouraged to pray for one another, develop a way to stay connected, and to serve and glorify God by working together. This time was led by Clara Molina.

Prayer was a major part of the retreat. Various pastors participated in corporate prayer led by Liga and Fu, who each prayed that God would develop a heart of passion and compassion to help those attending share the gospel.

Sastry Meesala from India offered a testimony, and the children who attended the retreat did a presentation. During their free time, families were encouraged to celebrate and spend time with one another doing activities around town or playing games at the church.

“The Christian life is to be a celebration—not because Christian life is easy, but because you get to experience the empowering presence of God even in the dark moments of our lives,” Kim said.


Why every staff pastor should make hospital visits

I’m a student pastor and I do hospital visits every week. It’s not that I have a large contingent of sick students, but I’ve realized hospital visits need to be part of every pastor’s ministry—even if you’re not in the lead seat.

It’s no secret the life of a staff pastor can be busy and demanding. With countless responsibilities, from preparing sermons and lessons to counseling church members and overseeing ministry programs, it may be tempting to assume hospital visits are someone else’s job. The sick only want to see the lead pastor anyway, right?

The Bible, however, makes a strong case for every pastor to visit the sick, regardless of his role within the church. James underscores the importance of pastoral care for the sick in James 5:14-15, stating, “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up.” James expects all the elders—plural—of the church to be involved with the care for the sick.

Moreover, visiting the sick offers practical and spiritual benefits for staff pastors:

It creates community with church members.

When staff pastors visit the sick, it helps create a more unified and compassionate church community. This shared responsibility for pastoral care strengthens the bonds between church members and pastors, fostering a genuine sense of love and support between the leadership and membership. When your student pastor visits a senior adult, your worship pastor visits a child, or your education pastor visits a student, you see relationships form that might have never formed outside a hospital. Some of my favorite relationships with senior adults in our church started because I was able to visit them in the hospital.

It helps you grow in your pastoral skill set.

Visiting the sick offers an opportunity for non-lead pastors to develop essential pastoral skills, such as active listening, empathy, and offering biblical counsel. These skills are invaluable for any pastor, regardless of their specific ministry role. Staff pastors, while called to administrate specific roles, are pastors of the whole church. Developing these skills will help a pastor in any aspect of his ministry.

It allows you to assist other pastors.

Often, one or two pastors make a majority of a church’s hospital visits. In seasons when there are a lot of visits to make, you can serve a friend and co-laborer by helping share that load. This can serve to foster good pastoral relationships on staff and free your brother up to flourish in other elements of his ministry.

Additionally, here are four tips for hospital visits:

Set up a hospital rotation.

If you’re on a church with a larger staff, it may be helpful to schedule a hospital rotation. Our staff assigns a different pastor to cover each day of the week. This allows us to make sure every member gets visited and no one is missed.

Pray and prepare.

Spend time in prayer before making each visit, asking for God’s guidance and wisdom. Be ready to listen and offer encouragement from God’s Word. Think through ways to address theological questions that may come up such as “Why me?” or “Will God heal me?” This will allow you to provide helpful counsel without being caught off guard.

Be present and listen.

During your visit, focus on being fully present with the patient. Listen to their concerns, fears, and hopes and offer genuine empathy and understanding. Don’t make the visit seem like you’re checking off a box, but instead, show the patient you genuinely care about them.

Don’t forget the gospel.

There is no better news when you’ve found out your body is breaking down than being reminded God will one day raise our bodies up. While we pray for people and counsel them in difficult situations in the hospital, never forget the best news we can give them is not getting better in this life, but a glorious resurrection purchased by Christ that is coming for all who believe in Him. Make sure to always share this good news with visiting a lost person.