Month: October 2008

Homeschool families to meet in Houston

HOUSTON?Special opportunities for homeschool families are being offered once again at the annual meeting of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention Nov. 10-11.

A Tuesday afternoon field trip to the Children’s Museum in Houston and interaction with Southern Baptist missionaries as part of the commissioning service Tuesday evening are among the planned activities.

A designated classroom area will be available Monday and Tuesday where elementary through high school students can study under the supervision of a parent.

For more information on the annual meeting schedule and lodging, visit Homeschooling families planning to attend should contact Tammi Ledbetter by e-mailing to indicate interest.

Houston Baptist University adjusts to Ike’s disruption

HOUSTON?It has been good to get back into the routine of campus life at Houston Baptist University, said Martha Morrow, HBU assistant vice president for communications. Students have completed two weeks of classes since Hurricane Ike and HBU administrators and staff have relocated to new quarters.

“We’re doing great,” Morrow reported. “The support and prayers we’ve gotten from across the country are great.”

One form of support came from a $10,000 contribution from the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. SBTC Executive Director Jim Richards personally delivered the check as he visited the campus Sept. 26 to get a firsthand view of the damage.

In a posting on his weblog, HBU President Robert Sloan wrote, “Dr. Richards, thank you from the HBU family! Thank you and the Southern Baptists of Texas for thinking of our needs during this time of recovery and adjustment.”

Staff with offices in the heavily damaged Brown Administrative Complex have been relocated across the campus. A list of the temporary locations is posted on university’s website.

“My staff and I are in a nice little trailer?all seven of us. It’s cozy,” Morrow quipped, commenting that everyone has been very accommodating about the temporary arrangements, such as the student newspaper. It had just moved into a new building this year and is now back at its former offices in order to accommodate the shift in administration locations.

How temporary the rearrangements may be is still unknown. Morrow said final structural assessments and cost analyses have not been completed. Initial estimates reported $8-10 million in damage throughout the campus, with the hardest-hit structures being the M.D. Anderson Student Center and the Brown Administrative Complex. It is likely the university will initiate a fundraising campaign to pay for any expenses not covered by insurance, Morrow said.

HBU was fortunate that residential buildings and facilities housing classrooms received minimal to no damage and were up and running once power was restored, Morrow said.

Classes resumed Sept. 22. Faculty members readily shifted back into their routines, getting the students back on task after missing a week of instruction. Morrow said the teachers are accustomed to working within a more concentrated time frame because the campus, until this year, operated on the quarter system. Having switched to the semester system this year, Morrow said, gives teachers more flexibility to make up for lost time.

Students who left town and had not returned by the restart date need not worry about absence penalties, Sloan noted on his blog.

“I want to reassure them that we understand these are unusual circumstances and our guiding principle is grace,” he wrote.

Morrow said HBU’s student life staff is becoming aware of the financial needs of some students whose families suffered losses during the storm. In order to avert a financial crisis that could result in a student dropping out of the university, a special fund has been established in an effort to meet those needs.

Information about the “Student Success Fund” can be found on the HBU website homepage via the “Hurricane Ike” link.

Despite sporadic power outages in the resident halls during the first week back after Ike, Morrow said the campus is very fortunate to be in the situation it is today.

“We have our challenges,” she said. “But you don’t have to look too far and you can see someone who has a lot more devastation.”

About 65 percent of the student population is from the greater Houston area and therefore had the opportunity to evacuate to homes or leave the region with family. Other students left with those who had a place to go, but about 50 students remained on the campus throughout the storm, Morrow said.
Student life staff members and campus police stayed with the students in the new Morris Cultural Arts building. No one was harmed.

“When the iPods and cell phones ran out of juice, they kind of had to talk to each other and bonded,” Morrow said.

SBTC 6th in CP giving, 1st in percentage

NASHVILLE?The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention gave the sixth-largest sum to Southern Baptist Convention ministry through the SBC’s Cooperative Program missions funding channel, SBC Executive Committee statistics for fiscal year 2007-’08 show.

The Georgia Baptist Convention led with $20.3 million through CP for SBC work, followed by the Alabama Baptist Convention ($18.8 million), the Tennessee Baptist Convention ($15.6 million), the Florida Baptist Convention ($15.2 million), the South Carolina Baptist Convention ($14.2 million), and the SBTC ($13.6 million).

Rounding out the top 10 were the Baptist General Convention of Texas ($12.4 million), the Mississippi Baptist Convention ($11.8 million), the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma ($10.5 million), and the Baptist Convention of North Carolina ($10.3 million).

The SBTC gives the highest percentage among state conventions to SBC mission agencies, ministries and seminaries, passing on 54 percent of undesignated receipts through the CP channel to advance the gospel worldwide.

The Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia disburse 50 percent for SBC ministry, followed by Illinois, 43 percent, Alabama, 42.3 percent, and Arkansas, 41.97 percent.

Four state conventions offer churches out-of-state giving options to fund non-SBC ministries, such as the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.

The District of Columbia convention splits its out-of-state budget between SBC and American Baptist Convention causes. North Carolina offers its churches four giving plans, two of which account for more than 80 percent of undesignated gifts sent to the state convention. Of those two, 34 percent was sent to Nashville for disbursement, according to the SBC Executive Committee. The Baptist General Association of Virginia also passes on funds to non-SBC work.

The Baptist General Convention of Texas lists a 21 percent budget for worldwide causes, “with each church selecting the recepient(s) of the worldwide portion.”

The SBTC will increase to 55 percent its budgeted amount for SBC causes and 45 percent for Texas ministry, if SBTC messengers adopt the budget as proposed next month in Houston.

Relief work continues on Texas coast

If you would like to contribute to the disaster relief ministry through the SBTC, click here.

GALVESTON?On Galveston Island and in inland areas of southeast Texas, disaster relief volunteers from the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention and six out-of-state conventions are continuing the work of recovery?and feeding thousands daily with hot meals nearly three weeks after Hurricane Ike.

“We just got word this morning that SBTC feeding units passed the 250,000 mark of meals served,” said SBTC Disaster Relief Director Jim Richardson said Oct. 2. “Southern Baptists as a whole have now served more than 2 million meals in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike.”

On the devastated Galveston Island, Southern Baptist volunteers from Illinois, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Delaware, Arizona and the SBTC are feeding hungry relief workers, emergency personnel and residents who have returned to salvage their belongings.

Additionally, First Baptist Church of Vidor, east of Beaumont near the Louisiana border, is hosting DR volunteers clearing mud and debris?called “mud-out”?in area towns such as Orange and Bridge City, where water damage in buildings and homes was intense.

Nehemiah’s Vision, a rebuilding ministry begun by First Baptist Vidor after Hurricane Rita in 2005, has expanded its relationship with the SBTC, exploring ways to stage rebuilding work from the Beaumont area as well as from Galveston an hour-and-a-half to the west. The organization has rebuilt or repaired approximately 525 houses in far southeast Texas damaged by Rita.

“At this point, they’re coordinating the church rebuild work,” Richardson said of the ministry.

“All of the disaster relief volunteers have done an outstanding job of helping with immediate needs,” Richardson continued. “The need remains great in cleanup and recovery. Please pray for continued safe travel for our volunteers and that people would receive the gospel as volunteers offer the hope of Jesus.”